Advantage Center at Aquinas College
Mother Victor Flannery Hall
Mother Victor Flannery Hall is located on the corner of Woodward Lane and Robinson Road. The house can be found on foot by following the signs from the library heading towards the parking lot, make a right towards Willowbrook, then a left following the signs past the Sister Mildred Hawkins Hall. If you are ever having troubles locating the building call 616-632-2126, our lovely staff will be more than happy to help you out.

- Built in 1904 and occupied by Nathan P Winchell (secretary and treasurer M B & W paper Co) until 1929. Nathan P. Winchell was born in Pittston Pa, and came to Grand Rapids as a young man in 1869. He was engaged in the wholesale and retail paper and stationery business until his retirement in 1925. Wife Anna, daughter Crystal Wierhake, son Jay D. Wichell, grandson Clark Wierhake and granddaughter Mrs. John Patterson.
- 1930-1932 occupied by Sydney G Davidson (Superintendent Butterworth Hospital)

- 1933-1937 occupied by Lee H Bierce (President & General Manager Grand Rapids Creamery Co)
- 1937-1940 occupied by Howard W Coulter (President and Treasurer Kent Sawmills Co). Howard H. Coulter was the President and treasurer of the Kent Sawmills Company. He was a native and lifelong resident of Grand Rapids and was a member of the York lodge and the Dewitt Clinton Consistory. Wife Madeline, son Joseph, daughter Alice.

- 1940-1960 occupied by Charles H & Helen Attwood (President Attwood Brass Works). Charles H Attwood was the President and General Manager of Attwood Brass Works. He was a life resident of Grand Rapids and a member of the York Lodge, F & AM Peninsular Club, Kent Country Club, Detroit Athletic Club, Great Lakes Cruising Club, Grand Rapids Rotary, National Association of Manufacturers and the National Association of Boat and Engine Manufacturers.He was Director of the Grand Rapids Rehabilitation League, and attended Park Congregational Church. He became President of the brass firm after the death of his father, Charles E. Attwood, in 1939. Wife Helen, daughters Elizabeth Anne, Jean, Susan Kay.
- 1961-1964 owned by Mrs. Paul Giffen
- 1964-1983 occupied by George & Kathy McAleenan (Geologist/Manager Peninsular Oil & Gas)

- 1983-1995 occupied by John & Leslie Shape (Attorney-Warner Norcross Law Firm)
- 1996-2014 occupied by Steve & Jennifer Wammack
- 2014-present Aquinas College Advantage Center

Who was Mother Victor Flannery?
Mother Victor Flannery was a woman of vision. As the chairperson of the Aquinas College Board of Trustees, she oversaw the erection of the Administration Building (now the Academic Building), Albertus Magnus Hall of Science, Regina and St. Joseph residence halls, the Wege Center (begun during her term) and the House of Studies (now Hruby Hall). Academic programs were also expanded to include master’s level degrees in theology arts and teaching during her tenure. She also served as Prioress General of the Dominican Sisters for eighteen years from 1948-1966.
Advantage Center
(616) 632-2126